Sun, culture, and flavour will captivate you in Andalusia, a land where history blends with joy and a passion for life. To ensure your trip is unforgettable, Haro Rent a Car has prepared this guide with useful tips and recommendations so you can make the most of your experience in Andalusia with a rental car.

Climate and Clothing:

Summers are typically hot and dry. Therefore, we recommend wearing light, cool clothing and ensuring you have essential sun protection.

On the other hand, winters are mild on the coast but more intense in mountainous and inland regions. Be sure to bring some warm clothing depending on the region you plan to visit.

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Haro Rent a Car


Spanish (Castellano) is the main language spoken throughout the region, though Spain boasts a great diversity of languages and cultures, with different languages spoken in various areas.

English is widely spoken in tourist areas, and it is common for places of interest to have bilingual staff available.

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Haro Rent a Car

Gastronomy and Dining Hours:

Don’t miss the experience of trying tapas, small portions of food that are often served free with drinks in many bars. It’s an excellent way to sample a variety of local dishes.

Be sure to try the wide range of typical Andalusian dishes, such as gazpacho, salmorejo, “pescaíto” frito (fried fish), jamón ibérico, and flamenquín.

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Haro Rent a Car


There are many ways to get around, but the best option is by car. At Haro Rent a Car, we offer our fleet of vehicles for you to explore at your own pace. Enjoy the freedom to discover beautiful, unexpected places. Remember to use a GPS to facilitate your journey.

Familiarise yourself with traffic rules and limited parking in some cities. A few brief tips:

  • The maximum speed in populated areas is 30 – 50 km/h.
  • The maximum speed on highways is 120 km/h, although speed limits are always clearly signposted.

Parking zones in populated areas are distinguished by colored lines:

  • White dashed line: Free parking, respecting garage exits, parking entrances, etc.
  • Green dashed line: Exclusive parking zone for residents of that area; parking is not allowed.
  • Blue dashed line: Regulated parking zone, where payment is required. Payment can be made via smartphone apps or street-side machines.
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Haro Rent a Car


Spain is a safe place, but as with anywhere in the world, certain precautions should be taken. Take care of your belongings and avoid poorly lit areas.

The emergency phone number is 112. You can contact the police, fire brigade, or ambulance services through this number.

Culture and Traditions:

Local customs, traditions, and cultural norms should be respected. It’s important to enjoy and appreciate their cultural value, and you will often find someone willing to talk about them.

Various religions coexist in Andalusia, each with its own places of worship. Visitors are welcome, but should respect the dress code, which typically means covered shoulders and knees for women and wearing shirts for men. Be sure to maintain appropriate and respectful behavior.

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Haro Rent a Car

Additional Tips:

  • Plan Your Trip: Decide what you want to see and do, and book your accommodation, transport, and tickets for attractions in advance. Keep in mind that Andalusia is a vast region, and travel between its provinces can take several hours.
  • Learn Some Spanish Phrases: This will help you communicate and connect with the locals.
  • Enjoy Flamenco: This is an essential part of Andalusian culture. Attend a show or take a class. You’ll likely find it moving and captivating.
  • Relax and Enjoy: Andalusia has a relaxed pace of life. Take your time to appreciate every moment. Vacations are meant for enjoyment, relaxation, learning, and discovering new cultures.

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At Haro Rent a Car, we want to be part of your journeys. Let us help you make your perfect trip in this wonderful region a reality. Contact us today to book your vehicle and start planning an unforgettable adventure!

Enjoy your trip!

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