Haro Rent a Car family is so proud to offer a new website this year. It’s been quite a tough time in 2020 and we think there is nothing like starting a new year with hope and ilusion.
There will be better days. Last year will be unforgettable. Every Business has suffered such a bad economic impact during the pandemic. However, we keep on working along rising our familiar philosophy since 1994: professionalism, quality and experience.
In spite of restrictions and lockdown for us it has been an important year considring we have a new website. Contents are so important for us. That’s why we have shown in our new website, modern and professional.
Moreover, we use this blog to write about news, promotions, editorial or any other content related to our market. Everything is ready to offer our audience a quality content visiting https://harorentacar.com/
Please enjoy our website, click through every page and get further and detailed infomation about our cars fleet completely adptaded to updated demands, always taking care of our reputation and branding.
Contact Haro Rent a Car, enjoy your car with safety and guarantee in every sense. Talk to us and let us help you with every single offer, promotion or cars for sale, discounts and season promotions. Follow us on social media, we are in Facebook, Instagram or Google My Business and… of course, a new website. Enjoy it!